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For our community Art Exhibition this spring, we will be going all out to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus! After six and a half years of preaching through the Gospel of Luke, we are finally reaching its joyful and climactic conclusion. We are looking forward to seeing our artists' exploration of this theme: whether it's a work that shares how Jesus has brought you from death to life, or whether it's simply a declaration of praise to Jesus, who has brought all of His people from darkness to light.

The exhibition will run from Sunday, April 27 to Sunday, May 11. We will also be hosting a reception for this art exhibition on Sunday, May 4, directly after the third service at 1:00pm. This is a chance for our community to walk through the written and visual aspects of the exhibition, talk with the artists, and enjoy some performances and readings by artists in our community.

We look forward to this time together to appreciate this exhibition and to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus as a community!