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On Sunday, September 15 we shared a significant Ministry Team update. Ryan Bedwell has resigned from his pastoral role at LWC, his final Sunday on Team being October 6. Ryan has served as a pastor at LWC for fourteen years with deep humility, wisdom, and passion.

During his time at LWC, Ryan has brought quality pastoral leadership to various areas of church life including young family and next generation ministry, Global Work, Life Groups, and much more. Notably, Ryan also brought oversight to LWC's church planting work in the Willoughby neighborhood, stepping out in faith to help establish vital kingdom work in that community — a work our church continues to benefit from today. Ryan has played a key role on our Leadership Council and Lead Team for many years.

Ryan's influence on Living Waters is deep and wide, and our church is so thankful to him and Katrina for their faithful and fruitful years of pastoral service among us. They have been great pastors and a great example to many. We're also thankful the Bedwell family will continue to call LWC home as they enter this new season.

Though we're sad to see Ryan complete his time on our Ministry Team, we're thrilled for the new opportunity he's stepping into. Ryan will bring oversight to the outdoor education program at Pacific Academy — a role which is tailor-made for him!

Our church Council and Ministry Team are deeply grateful for Ryan's significant influence at LWC. Join us as we pray with, thank, and commission Ryan into a new season on October 6.